▲克日起至9月30日,每週一至週五飲品全品項推出外帶8折優惠(圖/ICE MONSTER提供)
屏東小琉球"3水龍捲" 海面延長到空中 3條變2條! 海面雙水龍捲 民眾直擊拍下
▲「酪酪葡萄」、「滿杯葡萄柚」、「西瓜啵啵」(左至右)(圖/ICE MONSTER供給)
Imagine enduring the coming winter without your gorgeous gas heating, perfect pumpkin soup and hot showers before bed….actually, don’t! The mere idea is enough to make you shiver. Don’t risk freezing all through winter! There’s still time to sort some small changes that will keep the chill from coming inside. Here are a few easy home reno ideas that you can get up and running before the cold winds really start to blow.
廚櫃罕有! 美國墨西哥灣"六龍吸水"拍到了 直擊海面上6水龍捲共舞奇景 景象壯觀
▲ICE MONSTER本年推出2款果茶冰沙和1款果茶生力軍(圖/ICE MONSTER提供)
▼▲果茶冰沙「西瓜啵啵」(圖/ICE MONSTER提供)
位居熱銷排行榜第2、三名的則離別為「霸氣葡萄」與「酪酪甜瓜」,融會新鮮生果風味與清雅茶香,成為夏季喝飲料又無罪行感的首選。假如真的不知怎麼點飲料?接下來可要看好,根據ICE MONSTER統計,一舉奪下暢銷排行榜第一名的「焦糖波波厚奶茶」,選用Q彈的手工焦糖珍珠及「茶冰塊」鎖住奶茶濃烈度,成為上班族和女性消費者最喜愛的療癒系飲品。
據官方介紹,此次線上演唱會將於8月22日晚在網易雲音樂獨家上線,網易雲音樂是此次線上演唱會的獨家售票平台。DoNews8月6日新聞(記者 程夢玲)今日,TFBOYS「日光觀光」七周年演唱會在網易雲音樂開啟售票,這是TFBOYS成團七年來初次全線上演唱會。
If you’re at the stage of dreaming about a reno or exploring ideas, these small choices are a good place to start to warm your heart and set you up to truly enjoy winter indoors.
THE GREAT (WARM) OUTDOORS: In winter, it’s tempting to shut the door against the world and stay under your doona, never venturing past your front door unless you have to. But now we’ve been sheltering inside for so long, staying inside has us bored to tears! So this winter, make the most of your outdoor spaces with simple reno ideas that’ll see you actually use them. Think about connecting to Natural Gas so your BBQ never runs low, expand your outdoor area with instant gas heating, and take the chill out of the water so you can keep using your pool all year round! If you only use your pool a few weeks a year, now’s a good time to investigate natural gas pool heating (and other offers on heaters, BBQs and more), since the beaches and public pools are closed.
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